Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some R&R

Happy Summer Friends! 
I finished a great road trip home, then turned around and went on another Texas trip, and soon will be heading to OKC for a quick visit to see my brother and his family.  I've got a busy couple of weeks here in the Great State of Texas before I head back to Atlanta for the summer.  It is when I am home that I often wish I could just stay home. 

Lately, I've felt more of a need for some "R&R".  I believe that stands for "rest and relaxation", but I'm going to change my "relaxation" to "restoration".  Maybe because I realize relaxation for me might be an oxymoron, but also I think because I know more about restoration verses in the Bible as opposed to relaxation ones.  I don't ever recall Christ saying, "come to me and relax", and I have to wonder about that...

Friends, I'm going to boldly ask for some prayers of restoration.  This past year has been wonderful and surprising in so many ways.  That being said, I am very glad to have some time to just be me - not a student, not a worker, but me - Katy.  I'm going to try not to worry too much about what is coming next month (Greek! Although I am starting the alphabet) or worry about some other burdens on my heart, but just soak up the sun and enjoy my time at home. 
 As Christ reminds us, I'm trying "let not my heart be troubled" as best as I can.  That being said, I wouldn't mind your prayers.  Also - I'm for real taking a few weeks off from blogging...see you all in a month!
Blessings to you all, Katy

1 comment:

  1. good for you for taking a restorative Sabbath from blogging. look forward to your return!
