My break in Texas was absolutely wonderful and it went by all too fast. There are always so many people to see back home and I find it hard trying to coordinate and fit everyone in so to speak. If I missed you over the break, know I will see you when I return!
Some highlights of my holidays are here the following:
Babysitting Miss Blue Eyes - Evie is just a gorgeous sweet little girl who I could hold all day. And play dress up with. And sing to. And laugh with. (You get the idea) |
This is how I felt in leaving home. I keep wishing it would get easier, but my heart truly is in Texas.
I am excited for a new semester and to put all my Hebrew to use in exegesis. It's been great to reconnect with friends here at CTS and feel refreshed going into 2012. I would ask for prayers though in easing some of the homesickness.
I did just have a wonderful visit with my Aunt and Uncle coming from Michigan on their way to warmer weather in Florida. It's one of those ways God provides when we're feeling low. He brings my cheery Aunt and fun Uncle to explore Atlanta with. (We actually saw a WONDERFUL movie - My Week with Marilyn - I would highly recommend it). We've has a wonderful visit and it made my heart happy to have them here.
As I ease into 2012, I find myself making lists, like I always do. Stay tuned for a post on that. For now, blessings to you all that you have had a wonderful holiday season and are ready for the adventures to come.
Gracious God, in you we find our being. As we begin a new year, we pray we remember all the promises you have made for us, you beloved children. We give thanks for time spent with friends and family and for memories made. Help us to not lose sight of what matters the most in this world. In your holy name we pray, Amen.
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