Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cast Away

No, I am not starting to resemble Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away, and no, I haven't actually been "cast away". 

These two words just happen to pop in my head right after I wrote out my to-do list and I was staring at it, starting to get a little glazed eye.

Yes, I know it is only the 2nd day of the semester, but you haven't seen my to-do list.  

Quick Lesson on Katy's To-Do Lists:

  • I love making them.  
  • I love the power of being able to cross or check something off of them, even if it is minor.  
  • That being said, I am so not above putting "shower" on my to-do list because of the warm-fuzzy feelings I get because I have accomplished something. 
  • My to-do list is all of my life: school reading combined with personal tasks (any of you who receive mail from me, thank my to-do list!)
  • I prefer colorful to-do lists (different colors designate priority given...or my mood towards task...)
  • Unfortunately, my to-do list tonight is not as fun as some of my others. 

Gearing up for Spring semester also means looking towards Summer and Fall - yikes!  As I was staring down the list from tonight, those two words popped in my head - "cast away". 

At first I was thrilled with the idea of throwing my list away and then realized that is not the grown up thing to do.

My next thought involving those words were from scripture, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."  taken from I Peter 5:7. 

Maybe it's because I have one actual class of Exegesis under my belt or because I've been reading lots of Bible this week (yay Bible Content Ordination Exam!) but two words stick out to me:

all & cares

We aren't told turn over one or two things; we aren't told to give just the hardest thing to God - we are instructed to give it all.  ALL of our worries, our troubles, our anxiety composed in a 12 + to-do list.  While this doesn't exactly mean God's going to take your list from under your pillow and do it all for you, but He is going to be there with you.  

Know why?

Because He cares.  Not because He has to, not because we want Him to. Because He loves us and cares for us so much that He willingly wants to be with us along this journey.  

I don't know about you, but that makes me feel a little more confident in my abilities to accomplish my to-do list. I feel I often remember to thank God in times of joy and celebration, and tonight I am reminded how thankful I am for His care even in times of stress.

I know this is just the beginning of my semester; I know it is also still very early in my Seminary journey.  There will be more stress to come - more mountains to climb - more to-do lists to make.

But I have every confidence in my God to not leave me stranded on my mountain alone, that I will be joined in this journey.

What a gift to be thankful for.

Gracious God who provides at all times in our lives - we give you thanks for your care and love of your people.  You give us simple instructions we stubbornly refuse to follow, making our steps heavier and more burdened. Take away our obstinate nature and replace it with a willingness to cast our anxieties to you.  In your holy name we give all praise, Amen.

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