Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Columbia Theological Seminary
A part of CTS Campus
Just when I think I've got this blog stuff down, I have copious amounts of trouble uploading pics.  Ok, so slight exaggeration.  <- Here is where I am - it's gorgeously green despite the little bushes in front of the sign.  In fact, since crossing through Mississippi, that's one of the biggest things I've noticed - GREEN.  When I mentioned it to some peers, they just launched into the drought they been in and the likes, but I still was stuck on it being green.  Driving around Texas this time of year (especially this year) I felt more like I was on an alien island of brown and dust.  Especially when I was 

digging in that dust as a service project
 trying to plant flowers.  This campus is gorgeous (well, to me.) and I was reminded the other day when walking around how much it reminded me of the Austin College campus where I studied for my undergrad.  Give me red brick and I'm sold I guess!

In the past 24 hours, I've become more aware of my surroundings - here on campus, and in relation to the city.  Before I venture anywhere, I google map it and then copy it on a post-it note.  I then take said note, put it on my dash, and venture out.  I don't have one of those super smart phones that shows me where and how I should be going, but find it semi-exciting to try and follow my post-it note instructions and have my map close by.  

The verse I randomly opened my bible to this evening when I was getting ready for a time of prayer made me laugh out loud - Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and leanot on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." I underlined that last part because there often are times when I am driving in this new city and am not quite sure where I am, despite having my post-it note and map.  I say a quick prayer, normally something along the lines of this, "Oh God, please let me going where I need to be going".  I don't say, "let this be the right way" or "get me home" but give it all to God to get me where I need to be going.  I find this even more humorous because a year ago I thought where I needed to be going was into the middle school classroom, yet here I am going in as a student.  Needless to say, God gets me where I need to be going; I don't always recognize it at first, but that is part of the fun.  Completely trusting in Him to lead me.  Scary at times and highly uncomfortable, but always right.

Prayer: Abba Father - you provide so much to so many.  Please remind us who are so graciously blessed to share what we have with others.  I thank you for your guidance even when I don't fully recognize it.  I ask you to be with my friends who are hurting and give  them peace knowing you're with them and taking care of them.  In your name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You will love Columbia. You'll make amazing friends I promise! Starting Hebrew track is awesome and don't let all those Greek folks tell you anything different! They will all know each other, but that just mean syou'll have less drama and a fresh perspective.
    Decatur is awesome with lots of lovely places to eat! I miss it so much! Try to get a Savvy Shopper coupon guide. We got it every 2 months at our apt in the village, but for some reason I don't think they got it up the hill in the campus post boxes. I believe you can get a copy at the parking pay booth for the lot across the street from Decatur Pres. (Church st.). Where you park for Raging Burrito. Excellent restaurant coupons!
