Friday, August 26, 2011

Concerning the Call

I've probably spent way too much time thinking of a clever witty title for this blog that I may just be settling, but I chose "Concerning the Call" for a couple of reasons I'd like to share.

1) It sounds less conceited than "Katy's Call" but still contains some alliteration. And we all know how much I love alliteration - close but not quite as much as peanut butter.

2) This blog is about my call - my call to ministry and where I belong. A term that is often used is "discerning", but as I stated earlier, I do like my alliteration. I looked up the definition of discerning and it is defined as "having or showing good judgement" while concerning is defined as "on the subject of or in connection with". While I pray my discerning will prove true to this definition, at this time, I mostly feel I am dealing with the subject of my call, and all that comes with it.

3) I even thought about adding " Columbia" for more alliteration, but I anticipate (and have already experienced) much in connection with my call not here on this campus. I find some excitement and joy knowing God works beyond classrooms and state lines and anticipate all He has planned for me.

4) The word "concern" can have numerous connotations beyond just being connected. You can be concerned about a loved one's health, or concerned about the weather. While some might think of "concern" leaning more towards the negative side, it honestly means to be engaged in something. I have engaged on a journey here at Columbia Theological Seminary that is life changing already. I find it interesting that a synonym for "concern" is "touch" - that to me expresses a more intimate engagement. In some ways I imagine God is concerned with me - reaching out, touching, engaging the Holy Spirit at work in my life in ways I never imagined.

5) And finally, no one had any better ideas. Or even if they did, they didn't tell me.

So, long story short: this blog concerns my call. I am moved in (well, mostly...) here at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA for school. I am excited about it all but really do miss my friends and family back in the great state of Texas. Orientation doesn't begin for a week, but I'm here attending a Youth Ministry Leadership Initiative (YMLI) seminar on Soul Tending. No worries, you'll hear more about it tomorrow. I'll fill y'all in on all my hopes, dreams, goals, and much more later, but do want to leave you with a bible verse that has been following me around of late. (And that's a good thing.)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope, and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I give thanks for save travels and all those who serve in keeping the roads of our nation safe. I praise you for this wonderful world you have made and all the beauty within it. I thank you for the countless blessings you have provided in my life, especially the amazing ones' back home in TX. I ask for courage as I begin this journey and pray I remember you do have plans for me. In your Holy name I pray, Amen.

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