This past Sunday I had the opportunity to serve at The Lazarus Ministry's Health Day 2011. The mission statement for this awesome day is says that the "Health Day is a street fair for the homeless where meeting physical needs (medical, hygiene, food, clothing) are intertwined with social needs (laughter, fun, fellowship)", but as someone who witnessed this day, it is so much more. As someone who has lived a very blessed life with 3 meals a day, clothes on my back, books on my shelf, and a loving family, working with the displaced people of Atlanta truly was humbling. As much thanks they gave the volunteers for blessing them, I truly walked away feeling blessed by their testimonies and witnessing of Jesus Christ at work in their lives. I would say one of my favorite parts of the days was listening to the karaoke participants; everything from Mo-Town goodies to free style rap - we heard it all. I've included a video of one of the guests sharing his voice with the crowd. I apologize for my not so professional recording.
It was a long day, a smelly day (I stood by the port o' potties), but a day full of God at work in our world. It reminded me of one of my all time favorite songs by Ben Harper, "Picture of Jesus". I've included the lyrics in between the photos from Sunday. My favorite version is on the album Diamonds on the Inside (listen at Amazon here), but Ben Harper also recorded a version with the Blind Boys of Alabama. I would encourage you to listen to it if you get the chance.
I hope you are able to get a glimpse of what I saw and experienced in serving. (And no worries, I still had plenty of time to study and aced my Hebrew Vocabulary Quiz.)
It hangs above my altar, Like they hung him from a cross
I keep one in my wallet, For the times I feel lost
In a wooden frame with splinters, Where my family kneels to pray
And if you listen close, You'll hear the words he used to say 
I've got a picture of Jesus, In his arms so many prayers rest
We've got a picture of Jesus, And with him we shall be forever blessed
Now it has been spoken, He would come again
But would we recognize, This king among men
There was a man in our time, His words shine bright like the sun
He tried to lift the masses, And was crucified by gun
He was a picture of Jesus, With him so many prayers rest
He is a picture of Jesus, In his arms so many prayers
So many prayers, So many prayers rest, With him we shall be forever blessed
Some days have no beginning, And some days have no end
Some roads are straight and narrow, And some roads only bend
So let us say a prayer, For every living thing
Walking towards a light, From the cross of a king
We long to be a picture of Jesus, Of Jesus
In his arms so many prayers rest, I long to be a picture of Jesus
With him we shall be forever blessed
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Yes Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, 'Feed my lambs.' Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
John 21:15-16
Prayer: Gracious Lord, help us to live our lives as Christ lived and loved. Help us to look beyond prejudices, beyond incomes, beyond lifestyles and see the face of Christ in all. Keep our eyes open to the ugly in the world so we are not blind to the pain, hurt, and anger. Use our hands, our hearts, our voices, and all we have to offer to continue making this world more like your Kingdom. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.