Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Twas The Night Before...

**I decided to post this today so everyone wouldn't see how late I stayed up in anticipation last night.**

Just so you know, I am not talking about Christmas.  It's the night before school starts - more specifically the beginning of a new school, with a new degree and more!

I am so excited - to meet new people as classmates, faculty, and staff - to see a FEW old faces (old meaning a week or month or two...).  I am excited about getting out of my room and doing something.  I am excited to eat "real" meals at the Refectory (no hate on my PB&J).  I am excited to learn!

You all probably know, but the Bible is all about learning.  In Deuteronomy 5:1, Moses shares with his fellow people the 10 commandments and says, "LEARN them and be sure to follow them".  Jesus' parables were teachings for the common man; lessons put in words we all can understand, even the children.

I've always had a passion for learning; my cop out New Year's Resolution is to learn something new everyday.  (I say cop out because I do that anyways.)  While there is some anxiety that comes with new faces, new places, and trying to cram it all in my brain, there is much reassurance in where I am going and in what I am doing, I am not alone.  Besides the obvious God is always with me answer, there will be new students along side of me.  There will be new faculty, new staff, and even the returning crowd with me ready to "learn and follow" just as all the people of Israel did.

Heavenly Father, I pray for rest and peace to all those beginning and returning to jobs, school, and life after a weekend of rest.  I ask that you be with those families hurting during the wild fires in Texas; we know you are the Lord of wind and flame and ask that you protect those involved.  I give you thanks for the rain and cooler weather as we prepare for the changing of seasons.  Help us to be ever present to your Word and your love in the world and to share it freely with others.  In your awesome name I pray, Amen.

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